Online Video Counselling


Life can be busy. Going to counselling in Edmonton is not something that should add stress to your life. In order to make counselling more accessible for those in Edmonton and outside of the city, we offer online video counselling. It may be that you can have a video session on your lunch break. Maybe it’s hard to find childcare.  Online video counselling can also allow you to receive counselling from the comfort of your home.

Another benefit of video counselling is that you might live outside of Edmonton and can’t find a Psychologist in your area. This allows you to work with one of our Edmonton Psychologists even if you live outside of Edmonton.

Meet with your Psychologist in your home. Meet at a time that works for you. Online counselling eliminates many barriers to counselling. 

Research has shown that there is no difference in effectiveness between online video counselling and in person therapy. They can be equally as effective. If you are wanting to have video sessions please let us know in your appointment request.

edmonton institute of counselling

(780) 670-8843

13220 St Albert Trail NW 376 Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1